4 Easy Steps to Create Your Business YouTube Channel

Create your business YouTube channel

Trying to think of new ways to market your business can be challenging. There is a balance of cost and reward to consider, and companies have to reach people where they are. These days, that means marketing online. Out of all the forms of online marketing, video is one of the fastest-growing and most profitable. Marketing your products or services with video earns about 66% more qualified leads per year than other forms. People enjoy the visual power of video, and for companies, it can be a compelling way to sell that can also be fairly inexpensive. Setting up a YouTube channel can be easier than you think, and it can help you reach a larger target audience. Here are just a few of the reasons why companies should include a YouTube social media strategy in their marketing plan:

  • Nearly 2/3 of consumers say they’ve been inspired to buy from watching videos
  • 73% of U.S. adults use YouTube
  • 72% of customers would rather learn about a product by video than reading about it

Many companies want to do more video marketing but are not quite sure how to get started. The first step is to set up your YouTube social media channel, which gives you a place to host videos and attract leads and followers for them.


Video Creation Tips

Get started with video marketing using YouTube with these easy steps.

 1. Create a Company Gmail Account

YouTube is owned by Google, so it uses a Google account login to use the service. You probably do not want to use your personal Gmail account for this, as others in your company may need to access it. So, the first step is to set up a new Gmail account accessible to you and co-workers. Login to YouTube with this new company Gmail account and start your channel.

Tutorial Video

 2. Customize Your Channel

Take time to add your company branding by editing the profile and banner images on your channel. Keep the profile image simple and iconic since it will most likely be small on screen, especially on mobile devices. Many businesses will use their logo if it works well in this format. When adding a banner, make sure to test how it will appear for multiple screen sizes, like desktop, mobile, and TV. You can easily preview these when uploading the new banner image. How your banner looks to users matters, just as the way your website or physical location looks, you want to make a good impression. Do not forget to edit the About section and consider posting a featured video. The featured video can promote a product or service or even a short introduction to your company.

 3. How Do You Get a Custom URL?

You will notice when you set up YouTube that you cannot choose a custom URL (i.e. youtube.com/mycompany) like you can on platforms like Facebook. You can however create one after you meet a few criteria. Here are the eligibility requirements that need to be met to get a custom YouTube channel URL:

  • Have 100 or more subscribers.
  • Account must be at least 30 days old.
  • Have an uploaded photo as a channel icon.
  • Have uploaded channel art (i.e. banner image)

Once you set up your YouTube channel start publicizing it, asking people to sign up so you can reach that 100-subscriber mark.

 4. Upload Videos

After setting up your channel, you can begin uploading video content. Just click the video icon at the top of the page that says “Create” when you hover over it and choose “Upload Video.” Setting your keywords for your videos is important to get found by YouTube users. You can also add a video title and description. TIP: Use keywords here and link back to your site or a specific product/service landing page in the description.

Video Creation Tips

Here are a few tips to help in creating video for social media, sales, and lead generation.

Get Straight to the Point.

Although it is nice to have a friendly face in your videos, avoid too much face time. Keep in mind the reason why people are watching your video. If it is for a product, focus on the product, show it in use and from different angles. If the video is a software tutorial, focus on the software screens. When editing your videos, trim the fat. The less time you waste and the faster you provide value, the higher viewer satisfaction becomes. For example, do not make them watch a long title sequence to get to the point.

Categorize Your Videos into Playlists

As you upload more and more videos, it might be helpful to organize them. Playlists allow you to group similar videos together. This helps those watching your videos. This is especially useful if you have multi-video tutorials or various product lines and service offerings.

Additional Resources

Here are a few additional resources to help you get started with video marketing on YouTube:

Need Help Launching Your Successful Video Campaign?

Twin State Technical Services specializes in digital marketing and video creation. We can help you tell your story, market your product/services, and make a big splash on YouTube to generate new sales. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Call 563-441-1504 or contact us online.

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