TSTS Virtual Event: The Complete Guide to SEO 2020 – 11/18/20

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SEO has been around since the late 1990s but it has not stayed the same. In fact, Google has implemented over 196 changes to how search works since 2000. In the beginning, you could add some Meta tags and be done. Today, Google uses more than 200 different criteria to index and rank websites. Our webinar will help you pinpoint how SEO works in this new environment by identifying essential ranking elements and teach you how to optimize your site to current industry standards set by the leading search engines. Learn how much has changed and how to get ahead of your competitors with improved SEO.

Our Presenter: Neal Rabogliatti has more than 25 years of experience in web development and more than two decades in search engine optimization. Starting with a sales and marketing background, Neal worked for several web development and marketing agencies and currently teaches SEO at Iowa State University through CIRAS. Neal has helped over 2000 clients ranging from startups and local businesses to Fortune 500 corporations and the Federal Government.

Who should attend: Leadership, Business Development, and owners who want to improve their digital presence.

Register Here. 

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020
1:00 - 2:30 pm CDT

1:00 - 2:00 pm

  • What is SEO
  • How Search Engines Work
  • Areas of SEO
  • What's the Plan? (SEO Goal, Audit Site, Gather Info, Implement Plan)
  • Components of SEO
  • SEO Content

2:00 - 2:30pm (optional)

  • Q&A

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