Exploring the Nexus of Leadership and Technology: A President’s Insights

open laptop sitting on wooden table and screen against stack of books

At Twin State Tech, where we support over 400 customers, the intersection of leadership and technology is a critical aspect of our daily operations. How we think about technology also involves leadership of people, which is common in all industries. Because technology can be transformational, your management team at Twin State Tech reads a lot of books about it. Titles such as “Traction” and “Rocket Fuel” by Wickman, Lencioni’s “5 Dysfunctions of a Team,” and “The Motive” – which is a quite entertaining story of how leadership can go off track. Other books we’ve read as a team include Dan Sullivan’s “Who Not How,” “The Gap and The Gain,” and “10x Is Easier Than 2x.”

When we use technology to change workflow, we also have to think about how to shift mindset, improve productivity, and experience gains and freedoms from past ways of working. Of course, we read a lot of technical material and pass skill certifications, yet you may be surprised to know that our work library includes books about communication, project management, and customer service.

Over the past four years, I have personally participated in the Strategic Coach program, and our team uses many of its innovations and tools to improve how we work in order to optimize our experiences together. I wanted to share a bit of wisdom, retooled slightly, from Shannon Waller in a recent reflection she shared in an email to me about three key elements of transformational leadership. It really is what we do to keep ourselves on track with you.

  1. Know Thyself: First and foremost, transformational leaders understand who they are, how they operate best, and where their strengths lie. For us, we are enablers with tenacity – we like to empower, and we won’t quit you or leave it undone. It gives us energy and fit in terms of making things happen, a unique ability. There are many unique abilities, of course. Being techies, we measured ours!
  2. Know the Other Person: Regardless of the role—be it team member, colleague, collaborator, client, or customer— transformational leadership requires taking a genuine interest in others and the differences that make them unique and valuable. Leaders appreciate the value of combining their knowledge with others to realize big goals.
  3. Know the Goal: The goal is the outcome, the result, and the impact we want to make together. As a force of transformation in technology, the more clearly the purpose or intention is communicated, the more successful we will be in teamwork and unified efforts directed and targeted toward that goal. We direct this to make our projects and implementations successful.

We know in technology everything is moving, and we must reframe and interpret what the new stuff that is invented can do for our organizations. It is a lot of work to continually improve! Everything evolves and goals change. We appreciate the chance to work with you in our communities where we serve, and this chance to share how we think about the elements needed beyond the techno-speak we sometimes share with you in conversations about how to get ‘er done.

To find out how Twin State can help you leverage your technology, contact us here.

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