FREE TSTS SEMINAR: ADA Compliance for Websites

Join us at Twin State Technical Services on July 26th (10 – 11) for an ADA seminar where we’ll go over all of this and help you discover the importance of ADA Compliance with your websites. Register Here!

ADA Compliance for Websites

– fonts, colors, images, documents and more. We’ll break down how to become ADA compliant and why it’s important for your business.

Doing business online allows users to be able to reach you like never before.  With more than 15% of the population of the United States having some form of disability, it’s more important than ever to ensure everyone can reach and understand you – especially on your website. Your potential customers want to be customers, we’ll help you remove barriers to allow them ease of access.

The Americans with Disabilities Act dictates the necessity for access, requiring handicap spaces, wheelchair ramps, and braille accessible interfaces, ensuring customers and employees alike have access to businesses. Those are all important , but what about your website?  ADA compliance goes beyond your physical building, ADA Title 3 requires your website be accessible as well. We help build the virtual ramps so potential customers can access your website with ease.

Last year 7,663 ADA Title 3 lawsuits were filed, a staggering 16% more than the year prior.  Year by year this percentage continues to grow as more people become aware of the criticality of being ADA Compliant. We strive to help our clients become ADA Compliant with their web presence as well as guide our clients with how to stay ADA Compliant, thus avoiding costly legal fees and allowing more users to access their business websites. Becoming ADA compliant will help increase your market reach and drive up online business.

Register Here!

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