Integrated Marketing Course: Key Website Points

American Marketing Association Logo

Having recently returned from an Integrated Marketing Course offered by the American Marketing Association, has motivated me to reiterate the following key website points:


What Should a Website Do?

  1. Validate: It should be clear what your business is selling within 3 seconds of a user landing on your website.
  2. Educate: Provide something of value to the user that can help them in their daily lives.
  3. Motivate: Integrate a simple and straightforward ecommerce experience or call to action for sales conversions.


Your Website Should Also:

  1. Clearly answer “Who I am”, “What I do”, and “What can you do here.”
  2. The design resonates with the target audience.
  3. The design communicates a compelling value proposition.
  4. Must be responsive
  5. Must include calls-to-action
  6. The design is always changing. (Not always huge changes but updating site will help with user engagement as well as SEO.)
  7. Design builds trust, communicates value and navigates to next steps.








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