Maintaining Regular Backups

Properly maintaining backups can financially benefit your business. Sometimes, it could even save your business. Several weeks ago, a popular encryption based virus made its way around the Quad Cities . . . again. This particular virus, Cryptowall, tricks users into opening a malicious file which infects their computer. Cryptowall can then spread throughout your internal network and potentially infect every computer—locking everyone out of every file until you either pay a ransom fee that goes up over time or until the infection is cleared and you recover the files from your most recent backup.

During the time that Cryptowall made its most recent appearance, two of our customers were affected by the virus. Both had proper backups in place, and were able to mitigate the damage. However, both businesses had offices that went offline for several hours each of the affected days. Without backups, they faced being offline for days. This would have set them back and caused them to lose years-worth of work.

While viruses are a common reason to need to restore from a backup, it isn’t the only reason. Hard drives can fail, laptops can fall, power surges and much more can happen. The best line of defense is asking for one of Twin State Technical Service’s Infrastructure Engineers to assess your network’s setup and design a backup plan for you. These backup plans range from simple external hard drives to automated, offsite, fault tolerant, and internet based backups. Please contact us today to discuss your custom backup solution.

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