TEDx Goose Lake, 2017

You’ve probably heard about the nonprofit, inspirational events called TED talks. Maybe you’ve seen them online or have even attended one or two. On April 8, 2017, Twin State Technical Services had the opportunity not only to attend the TEDx talk in Goose Lake, but to help sponsor the event.

“We really appreciate your sponsorship. It would not have been possible without help from the community!” Jenna Stevens, the event coordinator from Northeast High School, said.

The theme of this TEDx talk was “Changing Perceptions in Technology, Ideas, and Response.” The event was held at the Northeast High School with the goal of challenging our views on topics such as our use of technology and our current lack of empathy. You can read more about this event on the TED talks website.

The mission of TEDx is to spread ideas in communities around the world through independently run events. At TSTS, we’re always proud to support our community any way that we can. We’re glad to have been a part of this event that surely inspired all in attendance.

Couldn’t make it to the event? You can find a playlist of videos from all of the speakers from the event here.

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