Be Cautious of the Track Your Package Scam

Track Your Package Scam Image

During the holidays, many of us will be expecting shipments from UPS, FedEx, and our regular postal service. As a result, we may be more easily tricked by shipping scams that claim a package was undeliverable or rejected. The hook is used to get you to open an attachment or click a link, thereby infecting your computer with malware.

Keep in mind – neither the postal service, UPS, or FedEx will ever contact you by email if a package can’t be delivered.

If you do receive an email like this, what do you do?

  • Add the sender to your junk mail – eliminates this sender from contacting you again! 
    How to add to your junk mail: Right click on the message in your inbox, click on Junk and then Block Sender.
  • When in doubt, call your local shipping store directly using their trusted phone number. To find the number, remember do not click any link that says their website. Go to Google directly and find the number on their website. Never use the phone number, address, or website provided in the suspected scam email.

If an employee becomes a victim of this scam, it not only endangers the individual’s computer but the entire network. So if an employee were to click on the link, their computer must be shut down immediately and replaced. This would cause an inconvenience of not having a PC for several days.

Hopefully your network has several layers of security to catch and prevent these scams, but the first line of defense is you!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to call us.

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