TSTS Virtual Event: Google My Business: Drive Sales & Improve Leads – 01/20/21

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How you have your Google My Business account set up has a direct impact on how your organization shows up in Google results. A well-configured profile gives you the ability to differentiate yourself in Google and drive more traffic to your site. The proper setup of your Google My Business account is a vital part of your national and local SEO strategy.


  • 45-minute presentation1. Why Google My Business?2. How it affects local search.

    3. How to set up and optimize your account with analytics, photos, events, video, keywords, Q&A, reviews, hours, special alerts, and map.

    4. Understand Google My Business analytics to interpret the impact of your strategies.

    15-minute Q&A and interactive chat


Neal Rabogliatti has more than 25 years of experience and is proficient at project management, client relationship management, SEO, digital and video marketing, Google analytics, conversion rate optimization, content development, and lead generation. Starting with a sales and marketing background, Neal worked for several web development and marketing agencies and currently teaches SEO at Iowa State University through CIRAS. Neal has helped more than 2000 clients ranging from startups and local businesses to Fortune 500 corporations and the Federal Government.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Leadership, Business Development, marketing, sales, and owners who want to improve their digital presence, and anyone that wants to understand Google.

Register Here. 


Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021
1:30 - 2:30 pm CDT

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