The entire Twin State team just can't stop learning. Last week our web team attended MozCon all the way in Seattle. This weekend, members of our programming and networking teams took advantage of another great opportunity a little closer to home. They attended the Iowa Code Camp in Coralville, Iowa. They were exposed to a number of great tips, updates and professionals in the developer world.
Why our developers attended Iowa Code Camp?
Our team spent an entire Saturday learning about a variety of topics. They learned about things like Azure, .Net Programming, Programming Architecture and even how to improve as an interviewer. The Twin State team takes pride in their work and understands things are constantly changing and they can always improve. Events like the Iowa Code Camp allow them to learn from other professionals outside of the office and bring their knowledge back to help our clients. They were also lucky enough to be joined at a party after the event by the event coordinator and a respected Pluralsight Author. It was a successful trip for our programmers and engineers!
What is Iowa Code Camp?
Iowa Code Camp is an event "for developers by developers" as they put it. It is an all day, free event that developers can go to and learn from peers. It's filled with speakers who talk about a ton of different topics and is a great opportunity for up and coming developers as well as seasoned vets. If you want to know more about our software development services and technical capabilities you can learn about it here.
The group that attended the event was Amelia Stark, Beth Tinsman, Bob Voss, Eric Boyer, and Michael Harry. You can check out more about them and what they do over on our team page. We appreciate all their hard work and extra time over the weekend! As always, you can give us a call to discuss the event or any help you need!