The battery for the solar array for Rock River Lumber and Grain was in the middle of two large grain bins (over 500,000 bushels). Twin State Technical Services was brought in after the array installation and battery setup to devise a way to connect the battery device to the network from this remote location.
Twin State Technical Services needed to connect a battery located in a remote location with heavy semi traffic to a public network so Rock River Lumber and Grain could store energy from an existing solar array.
In his own words ...
Jake Thompson sat down with Neal Rabogliatti to discuss this project in detail. Hear all the details by listening to this small business talks podcast.
Twin State Technical Services network engineer, Jake Thompson, stepped up to the challenge and worked with RRLG, Tesla, and Moxie Solar to connect the battery with point-to-point devices. The devices were mounted on a safety rail system to keep things high enough to be out of the way and the receiving side was placed using conduit and Unistrut to account for heavy semi traffic in the area.
Working closely with Tesla support, Jake was able to bring the battery device onto the network and avoided conflict with other devices. Once everything had been connected internally, Jake worked with the power company to allow outside access via an IPSEC tunnel.
A fully connected battery with point-to-point devices and ROI for the client using the device. Twin State Technical Services continues to monitor the setup and security protocols for RRLG and provides them with managed services.