Community Action of Eastern Iowa

Healthcare, Nonprofit

Goal: Visual redesign and CMS change

Work Produced: Website

Date Launched: July 2017

Location: Davenport, Iowa


Community Action was previously running on an old Oracle-based CMS. Making changes to the site required jumping into a virtual server, tracking down a template file, determining where the content lay, and then editing from there. We moved Community Action to a fresh install of WordPress, and helped narrow down their focus to their two audiences: families with children and families in financial distress. The site was designed to be as user-friendly as possible, using 6th-grade reading level language (written by the client) and clear calls to action.

We later implemented an employment application that fills information directly into a PDF and send the document in an email. Going even further, we configured a multi-page application for the HeadStart program to help families apply online.

Custom Software, Featured, Graphic Design, Programming

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