We are proud of our team and the unique perspectives each of them brings. Twin State continues to grow and thrive through the dedication and hard work of each team member and effective management. Please take some time to meet our team, digitally speaking.

Here is one of our amazing team members:

Profile photo of Caleb Lepisto

Caleb Lepisto

Caleb joined Twin State in January 2025. He attended Arizona State University and graduated in 2014 with a Bachelor's in Exercise and Wellness. He later attended Southern Utah University and graduated with a Master's in Sports Conditioning and Performance.

Before joining Twin State Caleb spent time in the fitness industry, education, and coaching while living in Arizona. Upon moving back to the Quad Cities, he held the position of Territory Representative with Lakeshore Recycling Systems.

At Twin State, Caleb will be working with the sales team to provide support and IT solutions to our existing customers while also finding new business opportunities.

In his free time, Caleb enjoys getting outside for a round of golf, spending time with his family and visiting any new restaurants in the area.


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