We are proud of our team and the unique perspectives each of them brings. Twin State continues to grow and thrive through the dedication and hard work of each team member and effective management. Please take some time to meet our team, digitally speaking.

Here is one of our amazing team members:

scott tinsman

Scott Tinsman

Scott Tinsman has been a partner of Twin State Technical Services since its inception. Along with being a partner, he also handles the financial management of TSTS.

Outside of his responsibilities with TSTS, Scott is the COO of Twin State, Inc. and an integral part of its Liqui-Grow brand of fertilizers. He is also a Chairman of Rock River Lumber and Grain.

In his free time, Scott enjoys being outside. His favorite activities include sports such as biking, golfing, skiing, water skiing, playing tennis, swimming, and sailing. He even enjoys yard work—except for pulling weeds!

Local Favorites

  • The riverfront
  • The bike paths
  • YMCA
  • The dispatch room at the Durant plant
  • My home

If you were stuck on a deserted island, what 3 things would you bring?

  • My family
  • A grill (with matches)
  • A couple of sides of beef (from Greg Steele’s farm)
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