Twin State Technical Services Awarded 2020 Business of the Year by QC Chamber

Business of the Year Award

Quad Cities Chamber 2020 Business of the Year honors went to Twin State Technical Services in Davenport.

Helping Businesses Go Virtual During the Pandemic

Founded 28 years ago, Twin State Technical Services provides Quad City businesses with reliable and secure ecommerce, web, software, and IT infrastructure management services. Among its many accomplishments this year, Twin State helped several hundred area commercial and nonprofit clients prepare for a successful work-from-home model at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. This allowed employees to remain connected, productive, and competitive out of the office and/or classroom.

Almost overnight, Twin State supported six area school districts provide virtual learning, including an unforgettable graduation ceremony.

A Team Award

“This is the best kind of award you can get because it’s a team award,” said Beth Tinsman, who established Twin State in 1992 after working for IBM for 10 years. “My team is so proud.”

Twin State has been an active member of the Chamber, participating in Venture School, both as part of cohort teams and as mentors; the Peer Round Tables program; and the Quad Cities Manufacturing Innovation Hub, first as members of the initial small group and process work, then later through event programming and the creation of technology playbooks.

The certified woman-owned technology firm was selected 2020’s Business of the Year from among 14 companies nominated for the award based on its application’s demonstration of competitive advantages, consistent growth and innovation, and ability to overcome challenges.

The company has increased its team by 30 percent in the past 3 years, from 31 to 42, even during the pandemic. “The most exciting feature for our team,” said Tinsman, “is that we allocate up to $10,000 per employee, per year in training.”

Survey Says

After surveying more than 50 clients this spring, the overwhelming descriptions of TSTS services were: responsive, skill knowledge, work relationship, honesty, and cost.

“Our needs were met 100%,” said Hannah Perrone, marketing director of Revive at The Group Med Spa. Revive was forced to close it’s doors during the pandemic and wanted to find a way to get clients the products they still needed. They turned to TSTS to create an easy-to-use online store to provide continuity of services to their client base.

Deep Dive into the Community

Tinsman and her staff are ingrained in the Quad City area. “We believe in a give-back relationship,” said Tinsman. Altogether, the staff participates in more than 20 nonprofits including Friendly House, NAMI, Moline Foundation, Child Abuse Council, Community Action, Quad City Arts, Junior Achievement, and The Project of the Quad Cities. TSTS also gives the donations of time, talent, and treasure through RDA and pro bono technology work for organizations like Cafe on Vine and Scott County Catholic Schools.

“We could not be where we are without the involvement and commitment of the Chamber in strengthening our business community and its activities,” added Tinsman, whose team is laser-focused on enhancing the technological workflow of its clients to help them survive and thrive in the fast-paced global marketplace. “The actions of the Chamber and our involvement have led to the Quad Cities economy being stronger and more competitive relative to other economies of comparably sized communities.”

Work with the award-winning staff of TSTS on your next software, IT, and web project. Call 563-441-1504 or contact us online.

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